Sunday, November 17, 2013

Monday Mouse Watch (11/17/13)

Monday Mouse Watch: 

- if someone wants to make a document look older than it actually is, they'll sometimes use tea or tobacco to stain the paper

- to make a table or a dresser look like an authentic antique, they'll sometimes beat on that item with a length of chain in order to weather the wood.

- they went frame by frame throughout 'get a horse' to produce a mistake

- i like how they can make something brand new look like it was created 85 years ago

- i didnt like that they had to put in a mistake to make it look old, if that makes any sense

- a question i have is, what is the point of making it look old?

Thursday, November 14, 2013

VFX Industry, Jobs, and You (11/17/13)

VFX Industry, Jobs, and You

- Visual effects is used in a lot of things from commercials, video games, broadcasts and everything in between.

- People who have a background of art and tech will be well suited for visual effects

- most buildings in tv shows are made of 3D and not actually filmed in that place

- I liked that the article explained some ways to be introduced into VFX and the jobs and requirements that need to be met

- another thing i liked is that you dont have to be a computer scientist but a normal person with little art skills

- My question is, How long will VFX be around and is it a good Career path?

weekly comments (11/17/13)

Weekly Comments (11/17/13)

- This week I learned how to subtract and add timecodes, and figure out the right amount of minutes etc, that is required to make the actual length of the film longer or shorter!

- When we get into after effects I want to learn bullet time, and more way to have a smoother slow motion other then twixtor and time remapping 

- The timecodes frustrated me a little bit but not so much, some of them were just really confusing and i didn't understand some problems but it was worth the lesson

- Fetting closer to the time when we get to work in after effects made me happy because i love working in AE and i have a sense of feeling towards the program - this is bullet time done in after effects it looks like a long process but will come in handy!